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Cultivate Structure ®

A Still Life, & Sculpture, will Cultivate Structure®

Liberate Your Strengths

About us

Adams Apple NY®

Optimize Your Workout Experience with Individualized programs with your unique history in mind. We employ Osteopathic principles of anatomy and physiology, with Muscle Activation Techniques® to clarify the most appropriate path to reaching your exercise goals.

AdamsAppleNY Exercise Nutrition Fitness Yoga Health Food Cultivate Structure New York Trainer

Connect with us.

Our individual histories are our blueprints which offer an opportunity to design and cultivate a program that meets the demands of how we live. Our histories considered, training our ability to adapt to a full, busy and active life comes within reach. With improved awareness, building strength while raising vitality will boost metabolism, digestion and our capacity for progress in skill acquisition from very simple tasks to demanding athletic pursuits. Aging, and how we adapt to life, stress and the effects of gravity are now strategically enhanced by exercise. Email us at adam@adamfig.nyc.